Skill Building and Employment for Individuals with Disabilities - Judson Center
Social Skills Group

Skill Building and Employment for Individuals with Disabilities

Judson Center has a long-standing commitment to helping people throughout our extended southeastern Michigan area to engage their community in meaningful ways.  It is important we embrace the unique contribution each one can make whether that means community engagement or competitive employment.

Who’s Eligible?

Our program serves and supports persons whose disabilities may include intellectual/developmental, autism, behavioral, visual, hearing, and physical.

Types of Skills Training Provided

The services/supports are person-centered, recognizing “one size does not fit all”.  Further, they are goal oriented and linked to the reason the individual has chosen to attend our programming.  The skill building assistance covers a breadth of topics that include interacting with others, problem solving, socialization, safety and communication. These services are primarily take place in community settings.

We offer the following services:

  • Soft skills training
  • Non-vocational skills training
  • Vocational skills assistance
  • Employment

Soft Skills Training

Soft skills training has taken place in community settings as well as our offices.  Our 15-hour program, completed in small groups, delivers essential soft skills using both teaching and individual participation methods.

While hard or technical skills related to a position/job are required to gain employment, soft skills are critical in maintaining a job over time. Verbal and non-verbal communication, interpersonal relationships and working as a member of a team are just a handful of the topics covered in our soft skills training program.

Non-Vocational Skills Training

Although some non-vocational skills training program may begin in a facility environment, most of the program occurs in community settings where attendees can role play and practice the skills they learn. The training empowers individuals be actively engaged in their community.

Vocational Skills Assistance

The the lessons learned in our soft skills training program can be applied in and outside of the workplace, the vocational skills assistance will incorporate a number of volunteer work experiences to assist attendee readiness to pursue and obtain employment when they are ready to do so. This training is conducted in a community non-profit employer settings.

Employment Services

Based upon an individual’s readiness, interests, skills, and abilities, we develop opportunities for placement of the person in competitive employment.  For some, this may begin as part-time days/hours and increase overtime as they have interest and the opportunity exists at their place of employment.

Enroll for Skill Building and Employment Assistance with Judson Center

If you or someone in your family or inner circle needs help with building the critical skills that are necessary to thrive in the workplace or community, we encourage you to learn more about the skill building and employment services we offer. Please contact Jenipher Guerin at or call 248.837.2079 for next steps.