Museum of Care - Judson Center

The Museum of Care

The depth of care that individuals receive at Judson Center cannot be defined by words alone. As a celebration of 100 years of unwavering care we have partnered with local artists to transform the inspirational stories of 10 families into 10 works of art. Art as unique as every soul we serve.

This free exhibit is brimming with the emotion and beauty of care. The kind of care provided by caregivers like ours. The kind of care that leads to hope. Come and visit The Museum of Care and return home having been reminded of the transformative power of caring for one another.


Interested in hosting the Museum of Care this summer or fall?
Email us at to get connected today

The Royal Oak Historical Society and Museum, located at 1411 W. Webster Road, will host the exhibition May 4th through May 30th on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Whether you’re a resident, a local art-lover, a history buff, or a supporter of Judson Center, this celebratory exhibit is a must-see!