Support - Judson Center



There are many ways to make a philanthropic gift to Judson Center – where your donation will make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve. All support we receive provides the necessary operating support that allows us to continue our mission to help improve lives and create a strong, productive community.

Join Our Community of Caring.

Ways to Give

Give to the Judson Brighter Futures Fund!

A gift today will provide essentials to help children and their families live healthy, stable and positive lives, right here in our backyard. Judson Center is more than hope, it’s help.  Together, we will help those in need succeed !

For example, a donation of $120 will: 

  • Provide life-changing Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy to a child like Kyle, three-years-old, recently diagnosed with autism
  • Secure a warm bed in a nurturing environment for 11-year-old Carly who has experienced unthinkable abuse
  • Provide job-skill training for young adults, like Joe, Matt and Lisa focusing on their abilities, not disabilities
  • Help Sydney, a child in foster care realize her potential  and value through intensive therapy and care

Make your gift today!

Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to honor or remember  a loved one, or show gratitude for a special achievement in your or someone else’s life.

A memorial gift (in memory of) is a meaningful way to remember a loved one who has passed away by making a contribution in his or her memory. 

An honor gift (in honor of) is a way to mark special occasions (anniversaries, birthdays, graduations) or to pay tribute to an individual who has made a difference in your life.  

When you make a tribute gift, Judson Center will send a letter to the family members or person you are recognizing, acknowledging your thoughtful gift. 

Make your tribute gift today!

Since 1924, Judson Center has been creating better lives and brighter futures for children and families in our community. By leaving a planned gift, you will support our work for generations to come. It is one of the simplest ways to provide support for our future. 

A properly drafted will or other planned giving channels can minimize estate costs and taxes, ensure that your property is managed the way you want, and provide for your spouse, children, and grandchildren.

You may be surprised to learn that your will can also be a flexible way to help keep the critical work of Judson Center moving forward after your family’s needs have been met.  

Leave your legacy through any of the following:

  • Bequests are ways to include a gift of cash, life insurance, securities, or real estate in your will. This is the simplest way to make sure your intentions are realized.  Click here for sample wording.
  • Annuities allow you to make a contribution and receive income during your lifetime while enjoying the tax advantage of charitable giving.
  • Life Income Plans are a sophisticated and flexible way to make a gift while providing income. You may qualify for an immediate charitable tax deduction, reduce estate tax and avoid or reduce capital gains tax. The most popular are Charitable Lead Trusts, Charitable Remainder Trust and Charitable Remainder Unitrust.
  • Retirement Assets that remain after your lifetime are not always transferable through a will and subject to estate tax as well as income tax. Naming a non-profit as the beneficiary may be advantageous. All that is required is to name the non-profit on the beneficiary line.

Contact Kelly Kinnear  at 248.837.2030 or to make your donation today.

One of the most tax-efficient ways to give is making a gift of appreciated stock. 

There are many benefits of giving the gift of appreciated stock:

  • Outright gifts like gifting appreciated stocks are the easiest way of giving, as there are no setup costs or lasting considerations, such as ongoing management.
  • Capital gains taxes on the stock are avoided.
  • Eligible to receive an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair-market-value of the stock at the time of the gift
  • The satisfaction of knowing your money is invested in a cause important to you.

Judson Center accepts all forms of securities that include: stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

Email the Development team at or call 248-549-4339

to learn about your stock contribution today.

Corporate partnerships allow us to bring awareness of the services Judson Center provides to a variety of audiences while engaging employees and consumers in a positive cause.

Forming a like-minded partnership with Judson Center can help your brand resonate with a broader audience in a significant way. Together, we can ignite your mission and ours.

Contact us today to discuss your corporate philanthropic goals.
Nick Papadas at (248) 554-6361 or

In addition to monetary contributions, Judson Center accepts new items that helps the children and families we serve.

For Babies (0-12 Months).

  • Baby Wipes
  • Baby Swings
  • Bassinets
  • Blankets
  • Books
  • Bottles and other feeding supplies
  • Car Seats (not expired)
  • Clothes (new, onesie, coat, shirt, pants, socks, etc.)
  • Diapers (all ages and stages)
  • Diaper Bags
  • Diaper Changing Stations
  • Diaper Cream
  • Formula
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste (nonfluoride)
  • Strollers
  • Swaddles
  • Sippy Cups
  • Pacifiers
  • Teething toys
  • Pajamas
  • Preemie diapers
  • Preemie clothes

For our Office:

  • File folders
  • First-class postage stamps
  • Notepads

For Children and Teens:

  • Art Supplies
  • Back-to-school supplies
  • Clothing (new)
  • Electronic games for all ages (toddlers to teens)
  • Exercise saucers
  • Holiday-themed treats and gadgets
  • New outdoor toys
  • Puzzles
  • Sports equipment, including balls for various sports
  • Toys (new)
  • Personal care products: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, feminine supplies, deodorant, nail polish, etc.

Donated Items/Services:

  • Pre-paid gasoline cards
  • Pre-paid grocery cards
  • Tickets to museums, sporting events, the zoo, etc.

For the Home:

  • Bedclothes: sheets, blankets, comforters and pillows (new)
  • Cleaning supplies: bleach, dishwashing soap, sanitizer
  • Couch covers
  • Dinnerware (non-breakable)
  • Food items (non-perishable)
  • Kitchen supplies: foil, plastic wrap, serving spoons, storage and garbage bags
  • Laundry supplies: dryer sheets, stain remover, detergent
  • Towels for bath and kitchen.

All items are to be new. We will not accept used or gently used items.

Holiday Wish Program

Holiday Holiday Wish is an annual campaign that begins in November and fulfills wishes of those we serve for the holidays.  Each wish fulfilled is much more than a gift – it is comfort and happiness to children who are in foster care. It provides an opportunity for the young adults in our care to be a part of the spirit of the season, to be included, not excluded because of an intellectual or physical disability.   It allows for families to have a happy and memorable holiday season full of good times and laughter. Sponsorship opportunities are available. 

Comfort & Care Program

When children are placed into foster care, they are usually taken from their home rather quickly with a garbage bag that only contains a few of their personal items: a pair of pants, a t-shirt, a few socks and pairs of underwear, and that’s about it.

During this episode, described by many children as the most traumatic experience in their lives, they leave behind their necessities and comfort, like a toothbrush, toys, and favorite sweatshirt. This program bridges that gap of leaving their personal things behind, and provides not only a caring presence, but offers comfort and a sense of self-worth. That Judson Center cares and will not just take a child and place them in a safe environment, but will also provide comfort for that child.

At initial placement, the child will receive a new backpack that will include age and gender-appropriate necessities and comfort to help with their transition. Each backpack is custom-made for the child needs.

Comfort & Care Suggested Donations

Interested in Holiday Wish and/or providing comfort and care to a child in need? Please contact the Development team at  or call 248-549-4339

When making a donation of goods or services, please fill out the Gift in Kind form. You can mail the form to the address provided at the bottom of this form or bring it with you when you make your donation.  If you have any questions about donating a new item or our Holiday Wish, please contact the Development team at  or call 248-549-4339.