Judson Center’s Child Safe Treatment Foster Care (TFC) program is a family-based service that provides individualized treatment for youth in foster care and their families. TFC services are directed towards diverting children from being placed in a residential setting or assisting a youth who is discharged from a residential setting. You, as the TFC Foster Parent, are the primary focus of intervention for the youth.
Foster parents licensed as a foster home in the State of Michigan
At least one TFC parent is 25 years of age; neither partner in a couple is younger than 21 years old. A single family TFC family may be utilized if at least 25 years old with appropriate support.
There are no more than four total children (birth, foster, adoptive, relatives, guardians, etc.) in the home
No more than three shall be foster children; may not have a DOC beyond a Level I
No more than one TFC youth (an exception will be made of two youth if siblings)
All children must be four years or older
Flexible employment to assist with youth’s appointments as needed
Participate in TFC treatment team meetings
Twice during the first 30 days and thereafter every 30 days
Pre-placement meetings will occur prior to placement when possible
Complete 30 hours of GROW training and 24 hours of annual training including a trauma-informed parenting training
Work with the birth/planning family teaching intervention strategies and provide supportive parenting time at least once per month (as applicable)
Maintain a daily behavior log/checklist
Meet with the TFC Case Manager twice per month in the TFC home
Engage in twice weekly contact with the TFC Case Manager or TFC Behavioral Aide to assist in developing knowledge and skills to successfully implement needed interventions
Supports Offered to TFC Foster Families
36 hours of respite per month (Respite care provides the TFC foster parent a break from caring for the youth for a specified period of time)
Can utilize the Behavioral Aide
Monthly TFC Support Group
Annual evaluation with the TFC team, as well as regular feedback
Treatment foster care rate of $75 per day
Involvement with the TFC Team
TFC Case Manager will meet with the youth twice per month (with at least one visit in the TFC home)
TFC Case Manager or TFC Behavioral Aide will work with the child at least weekly on treatment goals
Are you able to open both your heart and your home?